Make the perfect gift.
Check the schedule to find
a workshop to attend.
Most workshops are $20.
Need a specific theme... just ask.
Here's a few choices in our extensive catalog...
Blue Clues |
Hello Kitty |
Baseball |
Dora |
Disney Cars |
Basketball |
Ariel |
Chuckie Cheese |
Football |
Tinkerbell |
Baptism |
Cheerleading |
Cinderella |
Bar Mitzvah |
Hockey |
Mickey Mouse |
Bat Mitzvah |
Soccer |
Minnie Mouse |
Coming Of Age |
Lacrosse |
Goofy |
Wedding |
Gymnastics |
Winnie the Pooh |
Communion |
Volleyball |
Thomas the Tank |
Confirmation |
Don't see it...ask! |